文部科学省科学研究費 助成事業「学術変革領域研究(A)」行動変容を創発する脳ダイナミクスの解読と操作が拓く多元生物学

行動変容生物学 - 行動変容を創発する脳ダイナミクスの解読と操作が拓く多元生物学


  1. ホーム
  3. International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP) のSpecial Session/Workshop/Tutorial Proposals募集のご案内

International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP) のSpecial Session/Workshop/Tutorial Proposals募集のご案内

Asia Pacific Neural Network Society 主催の International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP) が9年ぶりに日本で、日本神経回路学会全国大会も兼ねて2025年11月20-24日に沖縄科学技術大学院大学で開催されます。

日本の皆さんもぜひふるってご提案をお願いします。SS, WSの提案締め切りは3月1日です。詳細は下記webサイトをご参照ください。

ICONIP2025 Call for Special Session/Workshop/Tutorial Proposals

We are delighted to hold the 32nd International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP) 2025 from November 20 to 24 at Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST).


We are now calling for proposals of special sessions during the single track main conference and parallel workshops and tutorials on the topics including machine intelligence, computational neuroscience, and neural network applications.

Please find the details on the web page:


We look forward to receiving diverse proposals of wide interest.

Important Dates
Special session proposal deadline: March 1st
Workshop proposal deadline: March 1st
Tutorial proposal deadline: May 1st

Paper submission deadline: May 15th
Notification of acceptance: July 15th
Camera ready submission: August 15th
Registration deadline: August 15th
Conference dates: November 20-24

Inquiry: iconip2025@apnns.org


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