文部科学省科学研究費 助成事業「学術変革領域研究(A)」行動変容を創発する脳ダイナミクスの解読と操作が拓く多元生物学

行動変容生物学 - 行動変容を創発する脳ダイナミクスの解読と操作が拓く多元生物学


「行動変容生物学」第2回国際シンポジウム2024 The 2nd International Symposium on "Biology of Behavior Change" 2024 開催報告(『行動変容生物学』主催)



Ai Koizumi (Sony Computer Science Laboratories Inc.)
"Alleviating "fear" through neural and bodily interventions"

Aurelio Cortese (Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute International)
"Metacognition for adaptive behaviour"

Masahiko Haruno (National Institute of Information and Communications Technology)
"Brain dynamics and behavioral changes in human social interaction"

Masanori Matsuzaki (The University of Tokyo)
"Whether or not to act is determined by cortical and subcortical inputs to secondary motor cortex"

Masayuki Matsumoto (Kyoto University)
"Distinct roles of the orbitofrontal cortex, ventral striatum, and dopamine neurons in economic decision-making"

Matthew Rushworth (University of Oxford, United Kingdom)
"Flexible representations for social interaction"

Min Whan Jung (KAIST, Korea)
"Hippocampus and value-based decision making"

Romy Froemer (University of Birmingham, United Kingdom)
"Hidden knobs: Mechanisms for flexible goal-directed decision-making"


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